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Statistical Activity
Domain: Living standard
Sub-domain: Living conditions
Statistical activity: Community survey on information and communication technology in households and by individuals
European legal environment:
Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for European statistics on persons and households, based on individual data collected from samples, amending Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 on community statistics on the information society.
Statistical Activity Objective:
Providing the information concerning the access of population at different information and communication technologies, the emphasize of the frequency and the purposes of using information technology and the place where this takes place.
Activity type: Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: About 10,000 households located in 792 research centers
Statistical population / phenomena:
All persons (16-74 years old) with legal residence in the selected research centers (urban and rural)
Observation unit: Household
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: April, each year
Reference periodicity: Last 3 months or last 12 months preceding the survey
Mean of data collection: Face to face interview
Data collection support: Electronic questionnaire
Indicators clases: Households
Persons 16-74 years
Used terms: Household
Level of education
Occupational status
Data processing profile:
National, macroregion, region, area of residence, gender, age groups, occupational status
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Access of population to the information technology and communication - Romania
Internal beneficiary: CNSP
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Methodological documents:
Methodology of the community survey on information and communication technology in households and by individuals

Methodology of the community survey on information and communication technology in households and by individuals

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of social statistics
Activity start year: 2006
Quality of results:
The quality statistical report is available on the INS website at:
Short history of activity:
The survey was carry-out for the first time, at a full scale, in 2006. The results have been disseminated for the first time in July 2007. After that, the results were disseminated annualy.
Previous version: Ancheta privind accesul populaţiei la tehnologia informaţiilor şi comunicaţiilor v. 14
Last update: 08.01.2025
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02