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Statistical Activity
Domain: Business statistics
Statistical activity: New enterprises and the entrepreneurs' profile in Romania
National legal environment:
Order of the President of NIS no. 716/2006
European legal environment:
EBS Regulation (EU) 2019/2152
Statistical Activity Objective:
Collect in a precise, reliable and timely manner of information needed to characterize the enterprises and the profile of the entrepreneurs
Activity type: Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: Approximately 5.000
Statistical population / phenomena:
New entreprises and entrepreneurs registered in the year of reference
Observation unit: Enterprise
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: November of the year following the first year of operation
Reference periodicity: The first year of the new legal units set up in the reference year
Mean of data collection: Self-recording
Face to face interview
On-line Web Portal
Mail, phone, fax
Administrative sources where it was not possible to contact the respondent
Data collection support: On-line questionnaire
Indicators clases: Demography of new enterprises
Used terms: Active enterprise
Economic unit
Legal Form
Legal unit
Social unit
Data processing profile:
National, development regions, residential areas, activities of the national economy - NACE Rev. 2 sections B-N, size classes of enterprises, forms of ownership, legal forms
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Business statistical series - New enterprises and the entrepreneurs' profile
Internal beneficiary: GUVERN
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Nomenclature of territorial administrative units
Methodological documents:
The Methodology and Tools of the Statistical Survey on the New Enterprises and the Entrepreneurs' Profile

The Methodology and Tools of the Statistical Survey on the New Enterprises and the Entrepreneurs' Profile

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of statistical business register
Activity start year: 1995
Quality of results:
Errors due to sampling are measured by variation coefficients. They indicate the degree of variability of the estimator in relation to the value of the estimated parameter of interest.
Limits: The statistical survey is representative only at the level of the regions of economic development and not at county level. At the same time the survey is for those legal units that are market-oriented.
The quality statistical report is posted on the site of the NIS at the address
Short history of activity:
Starting whith 2008 the data are disseminated for NACE Rev.2.
Previous version: Întreprinderile nou create şi profilul întreprinzătorilor din România v. 4
Are treated as enterprises and natural persons/ individual enterprises / family enterprises and the liberal professions operating within the law.

Last update: 02.07.2024
Other classification used:
Nomenclature of ownership types
Nomenclature of legal forms
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02