Sector: |
Domain: |
Labour force |
Sub-domain: |
Earnings, labour cost |
Statistical activity: |
Monthly earnings survey |
National legal environment: |
Order of the President of the NIS no. 384/2004; Order of the President of the NIS no. 932/2005 |
European legal environment: |
EC Regulation no. 1165/1998;
Regulation of the EP and the EC no. 1158/2005;
EC Regulation no.1503/2006;
EP and EC Regulation no. 1893/2006;
EC Regulation no. 223/2009;
EP and EC Regulation no. 2019/2152;
EC Regulation no. 2020/1197 |
Statistical Activity Objective: |
Evaluate the short-term tendencies of the monthly and hourly average salary earnings and of the number of employees per total economy and sectors of activity |
Activity type: |
Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: |
Approximately 23000 enterprises |
Statistical population / phenomena: |
Enterprises and local units, no matter the legal form or the ownership type, whose main activity belongs to the divisions of CAEN Rev.2, code 01-99 (except armed forces and staff assimilated (Ministry of National Defense, Romanian Intelligence Office, Ministry of Interior)). The economic subunits/units with 50 employees and more are exhaustively surveyed. Budgetary sector units (public administration, education, health and social assistance, arts, entertainment and recreation activities), are exhaustively comprised into the survey, except public local administration units, for which data at level of local communal council are collected based on representative sample at county level. For economic sector, units of four employees and over were included in the survey, representing (in 2023) 87.28% of total employees in this sector. For the economic sector, the size class units of 4-49 employees are selectively covered based on samples. |
Observation unit: |
Budgetary institutions at county level
Units of central government
Units of local government
Handicraft cooperatives and consumption units
Activity periodicity: |
Data collection time frame: |
10 - 22 of the week following the reference week |
Reference periodicity: |
Calendar month |
Mean of data collection: |
On-line Web Portal
Administrative sources
Data collection support: |
Paper questionnaire
On-line questionnaire
Data transfer from administrative sources
Indicators clases: |
Working time
Used terms: |
Average working time
Data processing profile: |
National, county, activities of the national economy - divisions, ownership, legal forms |
Dissemination periodicity: |
Dissemination type: |
Industry statistical bulletin
Monthly statistical bulletin
Monthly statistical bulletin of counties
Press release
Internal beneficiary: |
External beneficiary: |
Used classifications: |
Classifications of activities in the national economy
Nomenclature of territorial administrative units
Methodological documents: |
The processing methodology of short-time indicators based on IND-TS, CON-TS and SERV-TS questionnaires. The estimation method of the monthly number of employees at county level
The processing methodology of short-time indicators based on IND-TS, CON-TS and SERV-TS questionnaires. The estimation method of the monthly number of employees at county level
Responsible institution: |
NIS department responsible: |
Department of indicators on population and international migration
Quality of results: |
The data are reconciled with other data from other administrative sources and with those from the same survey but from previous periods.
The quality statistical report is posted on the site of the NIS at the address |
Short history of activity: |
Since 1990, series of comparable data have been produced but the data sources have varied depending on the national and European legislation of various periods of time. |
Previous version: |
Câştiguri salariale lunare v. 10 |
Observations: |
Before 2004, the sample size was around 10000 social and economic units, since 2005 the sample size was 18000 social and economic units and as from 2007 it was round 22200 social and economic units. In 2008 the sample size was round 23000 social and economic units. Since 2002, the economic units with 0-3 employees have been left out the survey for the economic sector. The survey results are used to calculate the quarterly indices of the labour cost, too. The territorial montly estimation of the number of employees is done according to the methodology ''The estimation method of the monthly number of employees at county level'' approved by Order of the President of the NIS no. 388/2004.
Last update: |
26.05.2023 |