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Statistical Activity
Domain: Education
Statistical activity: Early childhood education (ISCED levels 01)
National legal environment:
Law no.1/2011 on Education,  Order no. 632/2006 of the NIS President, Law no. 226/2009
European legal environment:
UNESCO-OECD-EUROSTAT (UOE) Methodology; The Lisbon Convention; Regulation no. 452/2008 of the EP and the EC, European Commission Regulation no. 912/2013.
Statistical Activity Objective:
Assessing the participation of children between 0 and 2 years of age in the initial, early educational process within the institutions authorized under the Law on Education to organize and carry out early childhood education programs; establishing the degree of inclusion.
Activity type: Exhaustive statistical survey
Number of observation units: Around 400 statistical questionnaires filled in by early childhood and pre-primary educational units
Statistical population / phenomena:
Early childhood educational units - public and private nurseries
Observation unit: Education unit
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: September
Reference periodicity: Beginning of the current school year
Mean of data collection: Self-recording
On-line Web Portal
Data collection support: Paper questionnaire
On-line questionnaire
Indicators clases: Educational units
Children enrolled
Teaching staff, auxiliary teaching staff and non-teaching staff
Infrastructure of education
Data processing profile:
National, macroregion, development region, county, locality and residential areas, ownership type
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Evolution of private sector
Early childhood education in the year...
Romania in figures
Educational system in Romania - synthetic data
Social and economic situation of Romania - statistical data
Territorial statistics
Social trends
Internal beneficiary: GUVERN
External beneficiary: BM
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Nomenclature of territorial administrative units
Methodological documents:
Methodology for the statistical research on education

Methodology for the statistical research on education

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of indicators on population and international migration
Related institutions: MEC
Activity start year: 2014
Short history of activity:
Starting with school year 2014/2015 the statistical data on education are obtained by processing the information collected in early childhood education (nurseries) through exhaustive statistical surveys. These statistical surveys are conducted annually.
Previous version: Învăţământul antepreşcolar (nivelul 01 ISCED) v. 5
Data on educational units, children enrolled, teaching staff, auxiliary teaching staff and non-teaching staff and the educational infrastructure are to be recorded annually.
The new International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED 2011 is being implemented in the statistical researches, in accordance with the international regulation in the matter.

Last update: 25.10.2023
Other classification used:
International Standard Classification of Education  ISCED 2011
Nomenclature of ownership types
Nomenclature of statistical units included in the survey
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02