Law no.198/2023 on Tertiary Education, Order no. 632/2006 of the NIS President, Law no. 226/2009 with subsequent amendments and additions
UNESCO-OECD-EUROSTAT (UOE) Methodology; The Lisbon Convention; Regulation no. 452/2008 of the EP and the EC, European Commission Regulation no. 912/2013.
Assessing the participation of the school population aged 19 years and over in the educational process organized within the higher education institutions.
Public and private tertiary educational units - institutes, universities and academies
National, macroregion, development region, county, locality and residential areas, ownership type
The methodology of the statistical research on education
Starting with the academic year 2014/2015, questionnaires are designed according to the new International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED 2011 for tertiary level (ISCED 6, 7 and 8). Bachelor studies with a 3 and/or 4 years duration correspond to ISCED 2011 level 6, where the prerequisite for admission is upper secondary education completion. Next, there is Bachelor studies with a 5 and/or 6 years duration, corresponding to ISCED 2011level 7, to which Master courses and postgraduate studies are added. Doctoral studies and advanced research post-doctoral programs correspond to ISCED 2011 level 8. Starting with the academic year 2011-2012, short-cycle tertiary education (academic colleges) - ISCED 5 - is no longer being organized in Romania. Starting with the 2024/2025 academic year, dual tertiary education has been implemented in Bachelor studies. This form of education involves activities carried out both within the university and in collaboration with partner economic operators, providing students with the opportunity to combine theory with practice in a professional environment. According to materials developed by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (ARACIS), the dual tertiary education curriculum integrates learning, teaching, workplace learning, applied learning, research and assessment activities. The economic operator is involved in both the development of the curriculum and the evaluation of workplace learning activities.
Data on academic units, students enrolled, teaching staff and the educational infrastructure are to be recorded in relation to the beginning of the current academic year, and data on graduates are to be collected for the end of the previous academic year. Starting with the academic year 2012/2013, the chapters on teaching staff and educational infrastructure are extracted from the questionnaire related to the beginning of the academic year, and are collected on a distinct questionnaire. The new International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED 2011 is being implemented in the statistical researches as of 2013, in accordance with the international regulation in the matter. This statistical activity represents a continuation of the: