Sector: |
Domain: |
Industry |
Statistical activity: |
Industrial products and services - Monthly |
National legal environment: |
Order of the NIS President no. 231/2002; Order of the NIS President no. 932/2005 |
European legal environment: |
EC Regulation no.1165/1998; EC Regulation no.1158/2005; EC Regulation no.1503/2006; EC Regulation no.586/2001; EC Regulation no. 656/2007; EC Regulation no.1893/2006; Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 |
Statistical Activity Objective: |
Calculation of the monthly indices of the industrial production based on the industrial products and services achieved, on total industry, on activities of national economy and on main industrial groups |
Activity type: |
Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: |
10000 |
Statistical population / phenomena: |
Companies with legal status which make industrial products and services from the monthly List of PRODROM industrial products and services having the main activity included in NACE Rev. 2 sections: B - Mining and quarrying, C - Manufacturing, D - Production and supply of thermal and electric energy, gas, warm water and air conditioning (group 35.3, „Supply of steam and air conditioning”, excluded) |
Observation unit: |
Activity periodicity: |
Data collection time frame: |
Until the 15th of the month following the reference |
Reference periodicity: |
Previous calendar month |
Mean of data collection: |
On-line filled in surveys
Data collection support: |
Paper questionnaire
On-line questionnaire
Indicators clases: |
Industrial services and products
Industrial production indices
Used terms: |
Main industrial groups
Data processing profile: |
National, activities of national economy - sections B, C, D, divisions 05-33, 35 (exclusive 35.3 group) and main industrial groups, according to NACE Rev. 2 |
Dissemination periodicity: |
Dissemination type: |
Industry statistical bulletin
Monthly statistical bulletin
Press release
Press conference
Romania in figures
Internal beneficiary: |
External beneficiary: |
Used classifications: |
Classifications of activities in the national economy
Methodological documents: |
Methodological details about statistical survey IND TS - Short term indicators in industry
Methodological details about statistical survey IND TS - Short term indicators in industry
Responsible institution: |
NIS department responsible: |
Department of short-term economic indicators statistics
Activity start year: |
2005 |
Short history of activity: |
Between the years 1990 - 2004, the data were collected by the IND statistical survey: ''The physical industrial production (monthly)''; since 2005, it was replaced by the statistical survey ''The short-term indicators in industry, IND TS, Chapter PROD: Industrial products and services''. |
Previous version: |
Produsele şi serviciile industriale - Lunar v. 12 |
Last update: |
21.03.2023 |