Order of the NIS President no.932/2005; Order of the NIS President no.808/2011
Calculation of the indices of the new orders in industry, by total industry and for the production delivered on the domestic and foreign market
The companies with legal status with main activity in NACE Rev. 2 divisions: 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 24-30
National, activities of national economy - section C, calculated from the divisions working under orders, 13, 14, 17, 20, 21,24÷30 divisions and broad industrial groups, according to NACE Rev. 2
The methodology for calculating the turnover index and the index of new orders in industry
Between the years 2000-2004, the data were collected by the IND CA statistical survey- 'Turnover and Orders from industry unit's; since 2005, it was replaced by the IND TS statistical survey: 'The short-term indicators in industry, IND TS, Chapter CN - 'The value of orders or contracts for units with main activity included in manufacturing industries which work on the basis of orders'.