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Statistical Activity
Domain: External trade
Statistical activity: Intra-EU trade in goods
National legal environment:
a) Law No 422/2006 concerning the organisation and functioning of the statistical system of international trade in goods, with subsequent amendments
b) Orders of NIS President regarding the Rules for filling in the Intrastat Statistic Declaration related to each reference year
c) Orders of NIS President regarding the valoric thresholds for collecting statistical information regarding intra-EU trade in goods related to each reference year
European legal environment:
a) Regulation (EU) 2152/2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics                                                b) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 1197/2020 of 30 July 2020 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2152/2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics
Statistical Activity Objective:
Production of statistics on trade in goods between Romania and other Member States of the EU - Intrastat statistical System
Activity type: Quasy-exhaustive statistical survey
Number of observation units: Economic operators which exchange goods with EU Member States and are above the statistical threshold set annually by NIS.
Statistical population / phenomena:
For intra-EU trade are included dispatches of goods from Romania to other member state of EU and arrivals in Romania having as country of dispatch other member state of EU. Dispatches from Romania include: - goods released for free circulation wich leaves statistical territory of Romania with other member state of EU as destination; - goods which were placed under custom procedure of active processing (inside the country's territory) or processing under custom control procedure in Romania with destination other member states.
Arrivals in Romania include:- goods released for free circulation in a member state of EU which enter the statistical territory of Romania; - goods which were placed under custom procedure of active processing or processing under custom control procedure in other member state of EU which enter the statistical territory of Romania.
Observation unit: Economic operator
Activity periodicity: Monthly
Data collection time frame: Up to 15 days after the end of the reference month.
Reference periodicity: Calendar month.
Mean of data collection: On-line filled in surveys
Off-line filled in surveys
Data collection support: Electronic questionnaire
Indicators clases: Export (FOB) of goods
Import (CIF) of goods
FOB/CIF trade balance
Indices of external trade
Data processing profile:
National, by sections, chapters, groups of goods according to classifications: Combined Nomenclature (CN), Broad Economic Categories (BEC), Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), National Accounts System (SCN), Classification of Products and Services Associated with Activities (CPSA), by countries and by groups of countries, by counties and by developing regions.
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: International trade yearbook of Romania
Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Romanian Statistical Yearbook - Time series
International trade statistical bulletin
Monthly statistical bulletin
Monthly statistical bulletin of counties
Press release
Press conference
Romania in figures
Social and economic situation of Romania - statistical data
Internal beneficiary: BNR
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Used classifications: Classification of Products and Services Associated with Activities in the National Economy of Romania
Data source:
Intrastat statistical declarations collected by National Statistical Institute from companies obliged to declare data on trading goods with other EU Member States, according to european regulations and national law. Customs declarations collected by NAFA -MFP for intra-EU trade, according to legal provisions.

Intrastat statistical declarations collected by National Statistical Institute from companies obliged to declare data on trading goods with other EU Member States, according to european regulations and national law. Customs declarations collected by NAFA -MFP for intra-EU trade, according to legal provisions.
Methodological documents:
Methodology and questionnaires can be found at:

Methodology and questionnaires can be found at:

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of foreign trade statistics
Related institutions: MF - ANAF
Activity start year: 2007
Short history of activity:
Romania's accession to the European Union imposed a series of changes in the production of statistics on external trade in goods, changes foreseen both through Community legislation in this area and through national legislation. When Romania became a member of the European Union (EU) and part of the Single Market, customs control on the movement of goods between Romania and other EU member states has disappeared and exporters and importers had no obligation to complete the customs declarations for these exchanges of goods. Since before accession, external trade statistics was based on data from customs declarations for import and export, upon accession to the European Union this source of data for statistics on the movement of goods between EU countries has no longer been available. Considering the importance of external trade statistics in the European Union it was created and developed a statistical system for collecting such information. The statistical system, called Intrastat has the main characteristic the collection of statistical data directly from the actual economic operators that make exchange of goods with EU Member States.
Previous version: Comertul intra-UE cu bunuri v. 4
Last update: 26.03.2024
Other classification used:
Standard International Trade Classification
Major Economic Categories
Combined Nomenclature
System of National Accounts
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02