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Statistical Activity
Domain: Culture
Sub-domain: Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts
Statistical activity: The activity of institutions and companies for art performing or concerts
National legal environment:
GO no. 21/2007;  GD no.90/2010; Order no. 1936/2019 of the INS President
European legal environment:
Council conclusions of 24 May 2007 on the contribution of the cultural and creative sectors to the
achievement of the Lisbon objectives  (2007/C 311/07)
Statistical Activity Objective:
Evaluation of the activities of  performing arts and concert institutions and companies
Activity type: Exhaustive statistical survey
Number of observation units: Around 250 performing arts and concert institutions and companies
Statistical population / phenomena:
Professional performing arts and concert institutions and companies registered in Romania
Observation unit: Entertainment and concert institution
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: February
Reference periodicity: Previous calendar year
Mean of data collection: Self-recording
Data collection support: Paper questionnaire
On-line questionnaire
Indicators clases: Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts
Performances (theatre shows, concerts, circus etc)
Spectators/auditors to the entertainment shows and concerts institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts
The capacity of the shows halls/concerts halls (seats in own theatre halls shows)
Projects achieved by participation to external funded programs
Personnel of the institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts
Used terms: Cultural and artistic network
Data processing profile:
National, macroregion, development region, county, locality, residence area, type of entertainment institutions, ownership
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Activities of cultural and artistic units
Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Romania in figures
Social and economic situation of Romania - statistical data
Territorial statistics
Internal beneficiary: CNA
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Nomenclature of territorial administrative units
Methodological documents:
The methodology of statistical surveys in the field of culture - libraries, museums and public collections, performing arts and concert institutions and companies, publishing houses - newspapers and magazines

The methodology of statistical surveys in the field of culture - libraries, museums and public collections, performing arts and concert institutions and companies, publishing houses - newspapers and magazines

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of studies, demographic projections and population census
Related institutions: MCIN
Previous version: Activitatea instituţiilor şi companiilor de spectacole sau concerte v. 10
Last update: 02.10.2021
Other classification used:
Nomenclature of ownership types
Nomenclature of legal forms
Nomenclature of statistical units included in the survey
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02