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Statistical Activity
Statistical activity: Economy - wide materials flow accounts
National legal environment:
The Order of the NIS President no. 724/ 2006
European legal environment:
Decision of the EP and of the EC no.1600/2002/EC of 22/07/2002, amended; Decision of the EP and of the EC no. 2179/98 of 24/09/1998
Statistical Activity Objective:
Obtain and analyse the statistical data on: materials flows economy - wide, productivity and the eco - efficiency of the use of natural resources.
Activity type: Statistical survey based on combined statistical and administrative data sources
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Reference periodicity: 1994 - the previous calendar year
Mean of data collection: Retrieving data from other statistical results
Administrative sources
Indicators clases: Extensive indicators
Intensive indicators
Data processing profile:
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Materials flows and the development of the Romanian economy
Internal beneficiary: CNSP
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Data source:
The PRODROM statistical survey; statistical surveys from agriculture; international trade data base; national emissions  inventory; statistical survey on waste generation and management; statistical survey on the collection, treatment and discharge of wastewater; energy balance.

The PRODROM statistical survey; statistical surveys from agriculture; international trade data base; national emissions  inventory; statistical survey on waste generation and management; statistical survey on the collection, treatment and discharge of wastewater; energy balance.
Methodological documents:
The methodology on Economy - wide materials flow accounts

The methodology on Economy - wide materials flow accounts

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of agriculture and environment statistics
Activity start year: 2005
Data are reviewed annually for the entire series

Last update: 01.04.2022
Other classification used:
Emissions Inventory
Combined Nomenclature
The nomenclature of products - higher level of aggregation of PRODROM
The list of industrial products and services
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02