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Statistical Activity
Domain: Living standard
Sub-domain: Household budgets
Statistical activity: Household budgets survey
National legal environment:
Order of the President of the NIS no. 711/2006
European legal environment:
The Eurostat handbook: ''The Family Budgets Survey in the EU; Methodology and Recommendations for Harmonization''
Statistical Activity Objective:
Evaluation of population income,consumption and expenditures,provision of necessary information in  social protection programmes development, analyse the impact of different  programmes in social field,of the transition economic effect,on socio- economic population situation.
Activity type: Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: Households from 38,016 dwellings - 3,168 montly, located in 792 survey centres
Statistical population / phenomena:
Residents of Romania, members of households from all the counties in the country and from Bucharest
Observation unit: Household
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: 3 compulsory visits between the last week of the month preceeding the reference period and the first week of the following month
Reference periodicity: Calendar month
Mean of data collection: Self-recording for hosehold register
Face to face interview for household questionnaire
Data collection support: Paper questionnaire
Indicators clases: Average number of persons per household
Household income
Household expenditure
Food consumption
Household endowment with durable goods
The degree of satisfaction of the household needs in relation to the income
Used terms: Households' sector
Data processing profile:
National, macroregion, development region, residential areas, household categories
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Press release
Coordinates of living standard in Romania
Men and women: working and living partnership
Romania in figures
Social and economic situation of Romania - statistical data
Territorial statistics
Social trends
Internal beneficiary: BNR
External beneficiary: BERD
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Methodological documents:
Methodology and organization of the ''Family Budgets Survey (FBS)''

Methodology and organization of the ''Family Budgets Survey (FBS)''

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of social statistics
Activity start year: 2001
Quality of results:
Methods for evaluating the data quality: calculate the survey errors; calculate errors due to non-responses (by reasons)
Short history of activity:
The Family Budgets Survey has an old tradition in Romania, such a survey dating back since 1948.In June 1948, there was a budget survey on 8000 urban families of workers, intellectuals, clerks, free-lancers and craftsmen and other   families cathegories  from the entire country territory.Since 1952 have been started the Household Budget Survey in rural area,at 1500 farmers households and from July 1953 had been extended on 3000 households. At the same time, the   families employees sample was reduced to 2200 families, taking into consideration the difficulties in daily filling of ''the family book''  as well as the manual processing of data  implied a long time to get the final results.
In 1994 the Integrated Household Survey (IHS) was projected, a multipurpose survey that was used during the period 1995-2000.
In 2000, within the RO-97 Phare National Programme, the pilot family budgets survey has developed and since 2001 the Family Budgets Survey has become a permanent survey, being the main instrument to evaluate the income and expenditures of the population.
Previous version: Cercetarea statistică a bugetelor de familie  v. 7
Last update: 07.06.2021
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02