Sector: |
Domain: |
Steel Industry |
Statistical activity: |
Metallurgical sector activity |
National legal environment: |
Order of the NIS President no. 664/2005 |
European legal environment: |
EC Regulation no. 48/2004 of the EP and EC |
Statistical Activity Objective: |
Determination of main raw materials consumption to achieve steel metallurgical products, the balance of iron scrap - cast iron and steel in the metallurgical industry, the energy consumption in the steel industry for major steel products, the energy balance in the steel industry, the investments and production capacity in the steel industry |
Activity type: |
Exhaustive statistical survey
Number of observation units: |
35 |
Statistical population / phenomena: |
Companies with legal status and having as primary activity the metallurgy that produce cast iron, steel or products defined by group 24.1 of NACE Rev.2 |
Observation unit: |
Activity periodicity: |
Data collection time frame: |
Until 20th march of current year |
Reference periodicity: |
Previous calendar year |
Mean of data collection: |
On-line filled in surveys
Data collection support: |
Electronic questionnaire
On-line questionnaire
Indicators clases: |
Metallurgical sector indicators
Data processing profile: |
National |
Dissemination periodicity: |
Dissemination type: |
Industry statistics series - activity of the metallurgic sector
Internal beneficiary: |
Used classifications: |
Classifications of activities in the national economy
Methodological documents: |
Details for the Completion of the Annual Statistical Research - MET “ACTIVITY OF METALURGY SECTOR”
Details for the Completion of the Annual Statistical Research - MET “ACTIVITY OF METALURGY SECTOR”
Responsible institution: |
NIS department responsible: |
Department of short-term economic indicators statistics
Activity start year: |
1994 |
Short history of activity: |
As part of the requested data cannot be obtained from current reports, since 1994, a specialized questionnaire, "MET - metallurgical sector activity", has been designed and filled in by all units that produce steel products, which require some additional information. Since 2004, in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EC) on the Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament no. 48/2004 on the metallurgical sector activity, by Order no. 664/2005, the form was added three more chapters (energy balance, investment expenditure and the maximum possible output (capacity) in Metallurgy). The form refers to the units with metallurgy as main activity that produce cast iron (iron) or steel products defined in group 24.1 of NACE Rev.2 and consume or produce ferrous waste. |
Previous version: |
Activitatea sectorului metalurgic v. 4 |
Last update: |
07.06.2021 |
Other classification used: |
Nomenclature of ownership types
Nomenclature of legal forms
Nomenclature of statistical units included in the survey |