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Statistical Activity
Domain: Transports
Sub-domain: Rail transport
Statistical activity: Transport of goods by railway
National legal environment:
Order of the NIS President no. 695/2006
European legal environment:
Regulation (EU) no. 643/2018
Statistical Activity Objective:
Production of statistics on volumes of goods transported, tonnes and tonnes-kilometers, by type of transport and type of goods, by classes of distance (in national transport), by countries and classes of dangerous goods, in railway transport.
Activity type: Exhaustive statistical survey
Number of observation units: 20
Statistical population / phenomena:
Transport of goods by rail
Observation unit: Enterprise
Activity periodicity: Quarterly
Data collection time frame: The 18th day of the month following the reference quarter
Reference periodicity: Calendar quarter
Mean of data collection: Self-recording
Data collection support: Paper questionnaire
Electronic questionnaire
Indicators clases: Goods transported and transport performance
Technical and economic indicators
Used terms: Container ISO
International railway transport
NST 2007
National railway transport
Railway company
Railway transit
Railway transport
Railway vehicle
TEU (twenty feet equivalent)
Transport of goods on the railway
Transport with complete train
Transport with complete wagons
Type of goods
Data processing profile:
National, macroregion, the regional development and types of goods NST 2007
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Monthly statistical bulletin
Transport of passengers and goods by modes of transport
Internal beneficiary: GUVERN
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Methodological documents:
The methodology on statistical surveys regarding the railway transportation

The methodology on statistical surveys regarding the railway transportation

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of structural statistics of the enterprise
Related institutions: MTI
Activity start year: 1990
Previous version: Transport de mărfuri pe calea ferată v. 2
Last update: 21.04.2023
Other classification used:
Nomenclature of countries
Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007
Nomenclature of statistical units included in the survey
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02