Sector: |
Domain: |
Transports |
Sub-domain: |
Road transport |
Statistical activity: |
Transport of goods by road |
National legal environment: |
Order of the NIS President no. 696/2006 |
European legal environment: |
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 70/2012 |
Statistical Activity Objective: |
Production of statistics on volumes of goods transported by road, tonnes and tonnes-kilometers, by destionation, type of goods NST 2007, transport capacity and vehicle-kilometers. |
Activity type: |
Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: |
About 32.200 vehicles per year - about 8.050 vehicles per quarter |
Statistical population / phenomena: |
Road goods transport vehicles with a maximum load capacity equal or exceeding 3.5 tons selected in the sample. Samples are representatives for national, macroregions and regions level. |
Observation unit: |
Motor vehicle for road transport
Activity periodicity: |
Data collection time frame: |
The first eight days of the end of the reference period |
Reference periodicity: |
A week of quarter |
Mean of data collection: |
On-line Web Portal
Data collection support: |
Paper questionnaire
On-line questionnaire
Indicators clases: |
Quantity of goods transported
Goods and vehicles transport performance
Used terms: |
Container ISO
Goods road transport vehicles
Motor vehicle
NST 2007
National road transport of goods
Road tractor
Road transport
Road transport of goods
Road transport transit
Tow vehicle
Transport for hire or reward
Transport on own account
Type of goods
Data processing profile: |
National, macroregion, region of development, type of goods NST 2007, transport on own account and for hire and reward, by region of loading / unloading of goods for national transport and by country of loading / unloading for international transport (loaded and unloaded) |
Dissemination periodicity: |
Dissemination type: |
Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Monthly statistical bulletin
Transport of passengers and goods by modes of transport
Internal beneficiary: |
External beneficiary: |
Used classifications: |
Classifications of activities in the national economy
Nomenclature of territorial administrative units
Methodological documents: |
The methodology and statistical tools for the statistical survey on transport of goods by road
The methodology and statistical tools for the statistical survey on transport of goods by road
Responsible institution: |
NIS department responsible: |
Department of structural statistics of the enterprise
Related institutions: |
Activity start year: |
1998 |
Quality of results: |
According to the EC Regulation no. 642/2004 on data accuracy and the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 70/2012, data are transmitted to EUROSTAT for determining the relative error of the transported goods and the goods transport performance, per total, for the international and national transport. At the same time, based on data collected from the table elaborated for EUROSTAT (EC Regulation no. 642/2004), the following indicators can be determined: the response rate and the quality of response rate. These indicators are calculated based on the activity of road transportation of goods during a year. As to the indicators of the volume of transported goods and the goods transport performance, the relative error is calculated at a confidence level of 95%. |
Short history of activity: |
The statistical survey on transport of goods by road, ASTRM, has been performed since 1998 and ensures the harmonization of the methodology and process of data collection with the recommendations of EUROSTAT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 70/2012 on carriage of goods by road; EC Regulation no. 2691/1999; EC Regulation no. 2163/2001; EC Regulation no. 642/2004; EC Regulation no. 6/2003. |
Previous version: |
Transportul rutier de mărfuri v. 7 |
Observations: |
The survey covers both goods road motor vehicles belonging to providers of transport services for hire and reward, as well as goods road motor vehicles belonging to other undertakings used for transport of goods on own account.
Last update: |
21.04.2023 |
Other classification used: |
Nomenclature of road vehicles Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007
Nomenclature of statistical units included in the survey |