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Statistical Activity
Domain: Labour force
Sub-domain: Employment, underemployment; unemployment, unemployment duration
Statistical activity: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS)
National legal environment:
Order of the President of the NIS no. 394/2004
European legal environment:
EC Regulation no.577/1998; EC Regulation no. 377/2008
Statistical Activity Objective:
Elaborate the necessary information for the evaluation of phenomena on the labour force market; count the economically active population - employed and unemployed - and the economically inactive population
Activity type: Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: Households in 28512 dwellings - per quarter
Statistical population / phenomena:
The residents - permanent and temporary - in Romania, members of households from 28,512 dwellings sampled quarterly
Observation unit: Persons members of individual households
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: Continuous, weekly - 52 weeks per year
Reference periodicity: A predetermined week - from Monday to Sunday inclusive; usually the ''reference week'' is the one preceding the registration
Mean of data collection: Face to face interview
Data collection support: Paper questionnaire
Electronic questionnaire
Indicators clases: Economically active population
Non-economically active population
Activity rate
Employment rate
ILO unemployed
ILO unemployment rate
Used terms: Households' sector
Status in employment
Usual duration of the working week (HLFS)
Usual working programme
Data processing profile:
National, macroregion, development region, areas of residence, activities of national economy, ownership, professional status, occupation groups, educational level
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Press release
Labour force in Romania: employment and unemployment in
Romania in figures
Territorial statistics
Social trends
Internal beneficiary: ANOFM
External beneficiary: BIM
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Methodological documents:
The methodology and organization of The Household Labour Force Survey - HLFS

The methodology and organization of The Household Labour Force Survey - HLFS

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of indicators on population and international migration
Activity start year: 1994
Quality of results:
The quality statistical report is posted on the NIS website at the address
Previous version: Ancheta asupra forţei de muncă în gospodării (AMIGO) v. 8
Since 2015  :- the sampling size increased to 28512 dwellings/quarter (compared to 28080 dwellings/quarter during 2004-2014); 
- the sampling ratio is round 0.38% ;
- the number of survey centres and of interviewers, respectively, is of 792 (compared to 780 during 2004-2014). 
Annually, according to the work schedule of Eurostat, an additional module with a specific topic is added to the statistical survey HLFS.For the design of the complementary modules, in order to ensure the international comparability of data, the European Union standards and regulations, defined by specific Regulations of the European Commission,  are taken into account.

Last update: 07.06.2021
Other classification used:
International Standard Classification of Occupations
Classification of Occupations in Romania
Status in employment according to international classifications
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02