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Statistical Activity
Statistical activity: Collection, treatment and discharge of wastewater
National legal environment:
Order of the NIS President no. 787/2004
European legal environment:
Decision of the EP and of the EC no. 1600/2002/EC of 22/07/2002, amended; The Eurostat work program 2009, topic 5.03 - Environmental Statistics and Accounts; Framework Directive on water of the EP and of the EC no.  2000/60/OECD of 23.10.2000, amended; Directive of the EC 91/271/CCE of May 21, 1991, amended
Statistical Activity Objective:
Obtain and analyse statistical data on the quality and quantity of collected and treated wastewater and its discharging into natural receivers - rivers, lakes and the Black Sea.
Activity type: Exhaustive statistical survey
Number of observation units: About 1500
Statistical population / phenomena:
Enterprises or services of public administration that collect wastewater, that have or have not a wastewater treatment plant and that discharge wastewater into natural receivers - rivers, lakes and the Black Sea.
Observation unit: Enterprise
Local unit
Units of local government
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: March, current year
Reference periodicity: Previous calendar year
Mean of data collection: Self-recording
Data collection support: Paper questionnaire
Indicators clases: Wastewater treatment plants
Wastewater volume and quantities of pollutants generated from household and economic activities
Sludge production
Used terms: Effluent
Wastewater collection system
Data processing profile:
National, hydrographic basins
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Environment statistics series - Wastewater collecting, treatment and discharge
Internal beneficiary: ANAR
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Methodological documents:
The calculation methodology of indicators on collection, treatment and discharge of wastewater

The calculation methodology of indicators on collection, treatment and discharge of wastewater

Responsible institution: ANAR
NIS department responsible: Department of agriculture and environment statistics
Related institutions: INS
Activity start year: 2006
Short history of activity:
Thanks to the project twinning Phare RO 01-IB/ST-01, the foundations of a unified and coherent system have been laid for data collection on water flow (abstraction, distribution and discharge) from industrial units, agriculture and from specialised units, a system harmonized with the Eurostat standards. In 2004, within the project a pilot survey on water took place for the reference year 2003, being representative for the Mures hydrographical basin.  
Thanks to the project Phare MB 2002 the methodology for data collection and processing was developed as to wastewater collection, treatment and discharge. In 2005 a pilot survey was carried out on national level and since 2006 the statistical survey was included in the ASP in order to regularly obtain data on the quantity and quality of collected and treated wastewater and discharged in the natural receivers.
Last update: 11.12.2023
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02