Sector: |
Domain: |
Agriculture |
Sub-domain: |
Area and crop production |
Statistical activity: |
Crop production in main species |
National legal environment: |
Law no. 226/2009;
Order of the NIS President no. 134/2015 |
European legal environment: |
Regulation of the EEC no. 837/1990;
Regulation of the EEC no. 959/1993;
Regulation of the EEC no. 543/2009 |
Statistical Activity Objective: |
Get and analyse final data on crop production of main species: cereal grains, grain legumes, roots, industrial plants, fodder from arable land, vegetables in the field, solariums and greenhouses, pastures and meadows, vineyards and orchards, successive crops, interpolated crops needed to determine the economic accounts of agriculture |
Activity type: |
Sample statistical survey
Number of observation units: |
55000 |
Statistical population / phenomena: |
Unincorporated farms and farms with legal personality, which use agricultural surface area |
Observation unit: |
Agricultural holding
Activity periodicity: |
Data collection time frame: |
November, current year |
Reference periodicity: |
Agricultural year |
Mean of data collection: |
Self-recording for agricultural exploitations with legal personality
Face to face interview for agricultural holdings without legal personality
Data collection support: |
Paper questionnaire
Indicators clases: |
Area and grain production
Area and other crops production in arable land
Area of fruit tree plantations, the number of trees and the fruit production
Number of solitary trees and the fruit production
Area of fruit shrub plantations
Vineyard area and grape production
Permanent pastures and meadows
Other permanent crops
Area covered by greenhouses and solariums
Secondary production
Interbedded and successive crops production
Kitchen gardens
Used terms: |
Agricultural holding
Agricultural holding with legal person
Agricultural holding without legal person
Head of individual agricultural holding
Data processing profile: |
National, macroregion, development region, county |
Dissemination periodicity: |
Dissemination type: |
Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Press release
Crop production for main crops
Romania in figures
Territorial statistics
Internal beneficiary: |
External beneficiary: |
Methodological documents: |
The methodology for the statistical survey on crop production of main species
The methodology for the statistical survey on crop production of main species
Responsible institution: |
NIS department responsible: |
Department of agriculture and environment statistics
Related institutions: |
Activity start year: |
2003 |
Quality of results: |
The quality statistical report is available on the INS website at: |
Short history of activity: |
In January 2003, the Statistical Survey Project (pilot) on crop production for the main species was initiated. Its aim was the harmonization of the agricultural statistical data with the European methods and to design and implement a statistical survey on crop production using the methods and standards set by the European Commission. |
Last update: |
18.06.2024 |
Other classification used: |
Nomenclature of crops
Nomenclature of sample agricultural individual holdings |