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Statistical Activity
Domain: Labour force
Sub-domain: Employment, underemployment; unemployment, unemployment duration
Statistical activity: ILO unemployment - monthly data
National legal environment:
Order of the President of the NIS no. 815/2011
European legal environment:
EC Regulation no.577/1998; EC Regulation no. 1897/2000; EC Regulation no. 377/2008
Statistical Activity Objective:
Ensuring short-term information useful for employment policies by producing monthly ILO unemployment data sets
Activity type: Special proccessings of statistical data from various surveys
Activity periodicity: Monthly
Reference periodicity: Calendar month
Mean of data collection: Retrieving data from other statistical results
Indicators clases: ILO unemployed
ILO unemployment rate
Data processing profile:
Gender, age groups
Dissemination periodicity: Monthly
Dissemination type: Monthly statistical bulletin
Press release
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Data source:
Labour  force statistics (The households labour force survey HLFS)

Labour  force statistics (The households labour force survey HLFS)
Methodological documents:
Monthly ILO unemployment - estimation methodology

Monthly ILO unemployment - estimation methodology

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of indicators on population and international migration
Activity start year: 2004
Previous version: Şomajul BIM – cu periodicitate lunară v. 2
Data dissemination started from 1-st of August 2011.
Monthly estimations are provisional and revised every three months.
Data series are available as non-seasonally adjusted form as well as seasonally adjusted and trend form for unemployed aged 15-74 years and 25-74 years, by gender.

Last update: 07.06.2021
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02