Order of the President of the NIS no. 629/2006
Regulation of the EC and the EP no. 450/2003; EC Regulation no. 1216/2003; EC Regulation no. 224/2007; Regulation of the EC and the EP no.1893/2006; EP and CE Regulation no. 223/2009
Evaluate the short-term tendencies of the labour cost on sectors of social and economic activity and ensure the comparability with the European statistics
The units with legal status and main activity belonging to any of the divisions 5-96, according to CAEN Rev.2
National, sections and groups of sections CAEN Rev.2 from B to S
The annual labour cost survey in enterprises; The monthly earnings survey
The calculation methodology of the quarterly indices of the labour cost
The analysis of indices from a quarter to another and compared to the same quarter of the previous year for each component of the index and for each section CAEN Rev.2; the analysis of the indices evolution compared to the evolution of the hourly cost calculated annually from the Labour Cost Survey; the analysis of the collection frequency of the cost components in order to ensure the availability of data according to the terms established by the Regulation; ensure the comparability of definitions and concepts used with those established by the Regulation. Limitations: The absence of other data sources that allow comparisons for the quarterly series of the labour cost indices. The variables that are present in the calculation algorithm of the labour cost indices come from two separate data sources for which part of the studied population (units with less than 50 employees) differ. The quality statistical report is posted on the site of the NIS at the address https://insse.ro/cms/en/content/quality-reports
Since 2007, the quarterly indices of the labour hourly cost, adjusted according to work days and seasonly adjusted, have also been calculated.