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Statistical Activity
Domain: Labour force
Sub-domain: Earnings, labour cost
Statistical activity: Statistical survey on salaries in October
National legal environment:
Law no.226/2009 on the organisation and functioning of official statistics in Romania, with its further amendments and Regulation (EU) no. 759/2015 amending Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009 on European statistics
European legal environment:
ILO Recommendations concerning statistics on incomes by economic activities CANE Rev.2 and occupations according Classification of Occupation in Romania (COR 2008).
Statistical Activity Objective:
Determine the number of employees by gross basic salary group and gross achieved income group, the average gross basic salary and the gross achieved average income, by gender, age group, economic activity and major groups of occupations/occupations, in October
Activity type: Exhaustive statistical survey based on administrative data
Number of observation units: Enterprises that declared employees with employment contract in the ''General register of employees'' (REGES), who have achieved income on salary basis and for whom the employers have filled in the ''Statement on compulsory payments of social contributions, taxes on income and the nominal records of insured persons'' (D112)
Statistical population / phenomena:
All the active enterprises with legal status, whose main activity comply with the CANE Rev. 2 divisions, codes 01-96, excluding the activity ''Public administration and defence; social insurance from the public system'' (division 84). The persons with labour agreement for the categories of employees whose status is civil servant, magistrate (judge, prosecutor) and assimilated, high officials and assimilated are not included.
Observation unit: Budgetary institutions at county level
Handicraft cooperatives and consumption units
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: November year Y - February Year Y+1 (monthly transmissions, including revisions for the reference month October year Y) Y = 2013, annually starting from 2015
Reference periodicity: Month October
Mean of data collection: Administrative sources
Data collection support: Data transfer from administrative sources
Indicators clases: Employees, the basic gross salary and the gross income received
Data processing profile:
National, economic activities CANE Rev.2, major/basic groups of occupations according COR 2008, ownership
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Distribution of employees by average gross income group in October
Internal beneficiary: ANOFM
External beneficiary: BIM
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Data source:
- The statement on compulsory payments of social contributions, taxes on income and the nominal records of insured persons (D112), managed by the National Tax Administration Agency
- General register of employees (REGES) managed by Labour Inspection

- The statement on compulsory payments of social contributions, taxes on income and the nominal records of insured persons (D112), managed by the National Tax Administration Agency
- General register of employees (REGES) managed by Labour Inspection
Methodological documents:
The methodology and organization of The Statistical Survey on Salaries in October 2021

The methodology and organization of The Statistical Survey on Salaries in October 2021

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of indicators on population and international migration
Activity start year: 2013
In accordance with European Regulation no.1738/2005 on structure of earnings and taking into account the burden reduction of respondents in the collecting years (every 4 years) in which the Structure of earnings survey is carried out, the collection of data from administrative data sources through the Statistical Survey on Salaries in month October is no longer performed.
This statistical activity represents a continuation of the:

Ancheta salariilor în luna octombrie
Last update: 28.04.2023
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02