Order of the NIS President no. 13/2009
Regulation of the EC no. 1165/2008; Directive 96/16/EC of 1996 on statistical surveys to be performed on milk and milk products, amended
Get and analyse data on herds of cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, poultry, bee families existing on December 1 and the annual livestock production - beef, milk, eggs, wool and honey
Agricultural holdings with/without legal personality holding facilities and/or creating agricultural animal production
National, macroregion, development region, county
Livestock at December 1 and the animal production obtained
The quality statistical report is posted on the site of the NIS at the address www.insse.ro, section Products and Services, Statistical data, Quality reports on statistics.
The statistical survey on livestock at December 1 and the animal production obtained has been elaborated by the National Institute of Statistics in order to get statistical data on livestock by species; number of animals slaughtered; live weight of slaughtered animals; carcass weight of slaughtered animals; all types of milk; all milk products from all the types of milk; quantity of milk produced; quantity of whole milk and cream delivered to milk processing units; quantity of milk sold directly to consumers or retailers; quantity of milk for human consumption in the farm; quantity of milk used to feed the animals in the farm and quantity of milk processed in the farm. The performing of the statistical survey on livestock existing on December 1 and the animal production obtained is based on the Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008 of the European Parliament of the Concil from November 19, 2008 concerning livestock and meat statistics and repealing Concil Directives 93/23/EEC, 93/24/EEC AND 93/25/EEC and Directive of the European Council no. 96/16/EC of March 19, 1996, regarding the performing of statistical surveys on livestock and the animal production and on the Order of the President of the National Institute of Statistics no. 13/2009. The statistical survey on livestock and the production obtained has been performed in Romania since 2004.