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Statistical Activity
Domain: Agriculture
Sub-domain: Economic accounts of agriculture
Statistical activity: Economic accounts for agriculture
National legal environment:
Order of the NIS President no. 558/2002
European legal environment:
Regulation of the EC no. 138/2004
Statistical Activity Objective:
Calculate and estimate the production account of agriculture, the source for elaborating the national accounts and updating the data bases
Activity type: Statistical survey based on combined statistical and administrative data sources
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Reference periodicity: Preceding calendar year
Mean of data collection: Retrieving data from other statistical results
Financial, accounting and administrative sources
Indicators clases: Crop output
Animal output
Agricultural services output
The value of inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities
Output of the agricultural industry
Intermediate consumption (in agriculture)
Gross value added at basic prices (in agriculture)
Fixed capital consumption (in agriculture)
Net value added at basic prices (in agriculture)
Used terms: Basic prices
Intra-unit consumption
Data processing profile:
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Internal beneficiary: CNSP
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Data source:
a) Statistical sources: the following works: The production value of the agricultural industry on products and groups of products'', ''Balances of the main agricultural products with the producers'', ''Value of the agricultural industry, intermediate consumption and gross value added'', the AGR.1IF statistical survey -

a) Statistical sources: the following works: The production value of the agricultural industry on products and groups of products'', ''Balances of the main agricultural products with the producers'', ''Value of the agricultural industry, intermediate consumption and gross value added'', the AGR.1IF statistical survey -
Methodological documents:
The Methodology of the Production Account in Agriculture

The Methodology of the Production Account in Agriculture

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of agriculture and environment statistics
Activity start year: 1998
The data source is adapted to the statistical surveys for their harmonization to the European methodologies.

Last update: 16.12.2022
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02