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Statistical Activity
Domain: Social protection
Sub-domain: Social insurance
Statistical activity: The average number of pensioners and the monthly average pension
National legal environment:
Order of the President of the NIS no.714/2011
Law no. 263/2010 regarding unified public pension system and its subsequent amendments, this law repeals Law 19/2000 on public pension and other social insurance rights and the law on state military pensions nr.164/2001;
Law 452/2001 for the aproval of GEO nr.221/2000 for pension and other social insurance rights of lawyers, as amended and supplemented;
GEO no.6/2009 on guaranteed minimum social pension, the term later replaced by ''social allowance for pensioners'' According to Law no. 118/2010 regarding some measures needed to restore budgetary balance, as amended and supplemented;
Law no. 49/1999 regarding pensions IOVR;
Decree-Law no. 118/1990 regarding the granting of rights to persons persecuted for political reasons dictatorship from 6 March 1945, reprinted;
Law no. 341/2004 - gratitude to the heroes and martyrs, fighters who have contributed to the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 with subsequent amendments;
Law no. 49/1991 regarding the granting of allowances and bonuses invalids, veterans and war widows, supplemented by Law nr.44/1994 republished with amendments and completions.
Statistical Activity Objective:
Provide information on the average number of pensioners and the monthly average pension by retirement system and by categories of pensions
Activity type: Exhaustive statistical survey
Statistical population / phenomena:
The total number of pensioners, no matter the system and category of retirement
Observation unit: Pension offices
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Data collection time frame: The month following the closure of the reference quarter
Reference periodicity: Previous calendar quarter; Previous calendar year
Mean of data collection: Self-recording
Data collection support: Paper questionnaire
Indicators clases: Social insurance
Data processing profile:
National, macroregion, development region, county, types of pensions and categories of pensioners
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Romanian Statistical Yearbook
Monthly statistical bulletin
Monthly statistical bulletin of counties
Number of pensioners and monthly average pension in...
Number of pensioners and monthly average pension in the reference quarter (I,II,III,IV, annual data included)
Romania in figures
Social trends
Internal beneficiary: GUVERN
Used classifications: Nomenclature of territorial administrative units
Methodological documents:
The methodology on number of pensioners and the monthly average pension

The methodology on number of pensioners and the monthly average pension

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of social statistics
Related institutions: CAA
Quality of results:
Not available
Previous version: Numarul mediu de pensionari şi pensia medie lunară v. 2
CNPP provides information for the pensioners of the state social insurance system and the pensioners from the agriculture. For the other categories of pensioners the data are provided by: CAA, SSC, MApN, CPMAI, CPSRI.

Last update: 14.06.2024
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02