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Statistical Activity
Statistical activity: Environmental Goods and Services Sector
National legal environment:
Order of the NIS President no. 812/2006 establishing the methodology for industrial  products and services; 
Order of the NIS President no. 214/2002 on Structural Business Statistics; 
Order of the NIS President no. 347/2002 on the methodology 'Environmental Protection Expenditure';
Order of the NIS President no. 1811/2010 on the methodology Environmental accounts - The environmental goods and services sector
a) Order of the President of the National Institute of Statistics no. 1811 / 2010 regarding the approval of the methodology for the Environmental Accounts - Environmental Goods and Services Sector;
b) Law no. 226/2009 on the organization and functioning of official statistics in Romania with subsequent amendments and additions.
European legal environment:
European Strategy for Environmental Decision 2179/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 1998 to review  the European Community policies and actions in relation to environment and sustainable development 'Towards Sustainable Development'; Regulation (EU) no. 538/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 amending Regulation (EU) no. 691/2011 on European Environmental Economic Accounts.
a) Regulation 691/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding European environmental economic accounts, with subsequent amendments and additions;
b) The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, adopted on September 25, 2015;
c) European Strategy for Environmental Accounts (ESEA 2019-2023).
d) Regulation (EU) no. 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union.
Statistical Activity Objective:
Collection and analysis of statistical data to characterize the sector producing goods and environmental services
Activity type: Statistical study based on combined statistical and administrative data sources
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Reference periodicity: The year before last
Mean of data collection: Retrieving data from other statistical results
Administrative sources
Indicators clases: The environmental goods and services sector
Data processing profile:
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Environmental Goods and Services Sector
Internal beneficiary: ANPM
External beneficiary: EUROSTAT
Used classifications: Classifications of activities in the national economy
Data source:
a) Industrial products and services (PRODROM),
b) Statistical research Expenditures for environmental protection by categories of producers (CPM),
c) Forestry accounts;
d) Enviromental protection expenditure accounts (EPEA);
e) Statistics of agriculture;
f) Labor force statistics;
g) Structural investigation of enterprises;
h) National Accounts

a) Industrial products and services (PRODROM),
b) Statistical research Expenditures for environmental protection by categories of producers (CPM),
c) Forestry accounts;
d) Enviromental protection expenditure accounts (EPEA);
e) Statistics of agriculture;
f) Labor force statistics;
g) Structural investigation of enterprises;
h) National Accounts
Methodological documents:
Methodology on environmental accounts - The environmental goods and services sector

Methodology on environmental accounts - The environmental goods and services sector

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of agriculture and environment statistics
Activity start year: 2006
Short history of activity:
For the first time this account was built through the project entitled Project on environmental accounts, environmental industry, environmental goods and services sector, completed in October 2009
Last update: 26.03.2024
Other classification used:
- Classification of environmental protection activities (CEPA 2008),
- Classification of resource management activities (CReMA),
- The nomenclature of industrial products and services (PRODROM),
- Eurostat list (compendium of a list of environmental goods and services and a list of economic activities as an annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2174)
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02