Order of the NIS President no. 76/16.02.2016; Law no. 24/1994 for the ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change signed in Rio de Janeiro on June 5, 1992; Law no. 3/2001 for the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted on December 11, 1997; Law no. 8/25.01.1991 for the ratification of the Convention on Long-range Cross-Border Air Pollution, done at Geneva on November 13, 1979.
The European Statistical Programme, Environmental Statistics and Accounts, The European Strategy for the Environment Accounting; Regulation (EU) No 538/2014 the European Parliment and of the Concil amending Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts.
Obtain and analyse the statistical data on emissions of pollutants by economic activity.
The National Inventory of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases under the Framework Convention of the United Nations on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol; The National Inventory of Emissions of Air Pollutants, reported to CLRTAP Secretariat - The Convention on cross-border air pollution.
The methodology of Air Emissions Account - AEA
This account was built for the first time in 2008 thanks to the Phare National Project 2005. Data on 1995 - 2008 are achieved according with CAEN Rev 1.1 and data on 2008 - 2012 are achieved according with CAEN Rev 2.
Data are revised annual for the series beginning with 2008 year.
Selected Nomenclature for Air Pollution