Order of the NIS President no. 955/2011
Directive no. 8/2004/EC of the EP and the EC; Regulation (EC) no. 1099/2008 of the EP and the EC
The paper presents the primary and converted energy production on types, the import and export of energy, the energy consumption in the conversion sector, on types of converted energy, the energetic and non energetic consumption in industry and other activities of the national economy; energy losses during transportation and distribution; the electric and thermal energy production on types of production facilities and energy carriers in the public sector and with the self-producers
Statistical surveys: Energetic resources and their use - E 01; Production of electric and thermal energy - E 02; ; Balance of oil processing - P; Industrial products and services - Annual - PRODROM-A; Family budget survey - ABF; Economic activity of farming companies - AGR 1A; Economic activity of units providing agricultural services, mechanical, chemical and plant protection works - AGR1B
The methodology for determining the statistical indicators used in developing the energy balance in the final energy system