Obtaining and analysing data on yearly average consumption, for the main food products and beverages, per inhabitant and the collection and analysis of the daily average food consumption expressed in calories and nutrients, per inhabitant
a) Statistical sources: PRODROM survey - industrial products and services, Survey on major crop production, Survey on livestock and animal production, Quantitative balances of agricultural products from producers, Survey on Romania's international trade, Current demographic statistics b) Administrative sources: MARD - Stocks of cereals and other agricultural products on December 31 and wine production of wine, Institute of Public Health - Food composition tables
Methodology Availabilities for population's food consumption
Since 1950 it was calculated based on data from administrative sources and exhaustive surveys. Starting with 1990 the data on food consumption and beverages were calculated based on a methodology harmonized with the FAO and Eurostat methodology, developed under a multi-beneficiary PHARE project. The project was implemented with technical assistance from the INE-Portugal in the period 1997-1999.
Until 1990 food and beverage consumption data were based on data from administrative sources and exhaustive surveys Starting with 1990 they were calculated according to the new methodology.
Combined Nomenclature The list of industrial products and services Food composition tables