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Statistical Activity
Domain: National accounts
Statistical activity: Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income - provisional data
National legal environment:
Order of the NIS President no. 193/2009
European legal environment:
EC Regulation no. 2223/1996 
Regulation (EC) no. 1392/2007 amending Regulation (EC) no. 2223/1996
Statistical Activity Objective:
Develop of the macroeconomic indicators specific of  national accounts according to ESA95
Activity type: Analysis and synthesis study
Activity periodicity: Yearly
Reference periodicity: Preceding calendar year
Mean of data collection: Retrieving data from other statistical results
Financial, accounting and administrative sources
Indicators clases: Output
Intermediate consumption
Gross Value Added
Final consumption
Gross fixed capital formation
Changes in inventories
Export and import of goods and services
Gross Domestic Product
Gross National Income
Used terms: Financial corporations Sector
General Government sector
Households' sector
Inputs - outputs table
Institutional sector
Integrated economic accounts table
Macroeconomic aggregates
National accounting
Non-financial corporations sector
Non-observed economy
Regional accounts
Data processing profile:
National, activities of the national economy at level of NACE section, institutional sectors
Dissemination periodicity: Yearly
Dissemination type: Monthly statistical bulletin
Press release
Press conference
Romania in figures
Internal beneficiary: BNR
External beneficiary: BM
Data source:
Statistical surveys; Administrative sources - balance sheets of financial and non-financial units, state budget execution, local budget execution, state social insurance budget execution, balance of payments - PFM and NBR

Statistical surveys; Administrative sources - balance sheets of financial and non-financial units, state budget execution, local budget execution, state social insurance budget execution, balance of payments - PFM and NBR
Methodological documents:
Methodology to develop non-financial national accounts in Romania

Methodology to develop non-financial national accounts in Romania

Responsible institution: INS
NIS department responsible: Department of national accounts
Related institutions: BNR
Activity start year: 2007
Statistical activity continue with:

Produsul Intern Brut şi Venitul Naţional Brut - Date provizorii SEC 2010
Last update: 27.08.2021
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METADATA v1.0, National Institute of Statistics - ref: EuropeAid/123275/D/SER/RO PHARE 2005/017-553.03.07.02